Decoration, Furniture

Water glass curtain wall

1. material characteristics
Main material: Glass curtain wall is mainly made of glass as its main material, such as tempered glass, laminated glass, etc. These glass materials have the characteristics of high transparency and good light transmission.
Design diversity: The strong plasticity of the glass material makes the glass water curtain wall more diverse in form and can be customized according to different design needs.

Visual and aesthetic effects
Bright and transparent: Due to the transparency of the glass, the glass water curtain wall can create a bright and transparent visual effect, so that the internal and external Spaces of the building penetrate each other, increasing the sense of space layer.
Dynamic beauty: As the water flows over the glass curtain wall, it forms a dynamic visual effect, adding a touch of vivid atmosphere to the building.
Art decoration: After the creative thinking of the designer, the glass water curtain wall can be combined with different materials such as plants, stone and metal to create a novel and unique flowing landscape effect and enhance the artistic beauty of the building.
Iii. Functionality
Noise reduction effect: According to the principle of physics and mechanics to slow down the speed of water flow, glass water curtain wall can overcome the noise of water, bring quiet enjoyment to the environment.
Air purification: Water mist and negative ions formed by water flow on the glass curtain wall help to purify the surrounding air and improve the quality of the environment.
Regulate the climate: In hot weather, the glass water curtain wall can take away the heat through the evaporation of water, bringing a cool feeling to the surrounding environment.
Fourth, maintenance and maintenance
Cleaning and maintenance: Because the glass is exposed to the air for a long time, it is easy to dust or produce scale, so it needs regular cleaning and maintenance to maintain its good visual effect.
Filtration system: In order to reduce the generation of scale, a filtration system can be added to the design of glass water curtain wall to purify the water quality.

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