Decoration, Furniture

The glass water curtain wall

The glass water curtain wall adds agility and vitality to the building with its unique flowing water effect and transparent material. Under the illumination of lights, water flow interweaves with light and shadow, forming beautiful landscapes and enhancing the overall beauty of the building.
The four-layer waterproof system of “waterproof strips-channels-drainage pipes-water curtains” can effectively prevent rainwater from penetrating into the room and keep the room dry even in heavy rain.
Air purification: The water curtain wall can release negative oxygen ions during the circulation process, which helps to improve the surrounding air quality and provide people with a healthier living environment.
Maintenance cost: The maintenance cost of the glass water curtain wall is relatively high because all its components are installed at high altitude, and the water curtain needs to be ensured to be in normal working condition at all times. Once a malfunction or water accumulation problem occurs, professionals are required to repair and handle it.
Construction cost: Since the glass water curtain wall uses high-tech materials and special design, its construction cost is also relatively high. However, with the continuous advancement of technology and the gradual reduction of costs, its application scope is constantly expanding.
Intelligence: Modern glass water curtain walls are gradually incorporating intelligent elements, such as wind and rain sensing smart curtain walls, which can automatically adjust the water flow speed and lighting effects according to changes in the external environment, improving user experience.

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